Jean-Christophe Garnier in Anjou

Jean-Christophe Garnier Producer Profile

Quick Facts

Name of Estate Jean-Christophe Garnier
Region Loire
Country France
Proprietor Jean-Christophe Garnier
Size 10 hectares
Farming Organic (Certified)
Soils Schist, Clay, Loam
Grapes grown Chenin Blanc, Pineau d'Aunis, Gamay, Cabernet Franc, Grolleau
Fun facts Single vineyard Chenin Blancs and vin-de-soif reds from Jean-Christophe Garnier.

Single vineyard Chenin Blancs and vin-de-soif reds from Jean-Christophe Garnier.

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Quick Facts

Name of Estate Jean-Christophe Garnier
Region Loire
Country France
Proprietor Jean-Christophe Garnier
Size 10 hectares
Farming Organic (Certified)
Soils Schist, Clay, Loam
Grapes grown Chenin Blanc, Pineau d'Aunis, Gamay, Cabernet Franc, Grolleau
Fun facts Single vineyard Chenin Blancs and vin-de-soif reds from Jean-Christophe Garnier.

Get to know
Jean-Christophe Garnier

producer profile 13.09.2024

Jean-Christophe Garnier Producer Profile

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interview 13.09.2024

Jean-Christophe Garnier Interview

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Jean-Christophe Garnier’s wines

Jean-Christophe Garnier

Vin de France Blanc "Chenin"

Jean-Christophe Garnier

Vin de France Blanc "Bézigon"

Jean-Christophe Garnier

Vin de France Blanc "La Roche"

Jean-Christophe Garnier

Vin de France Blanc "13 Vents"

Jean-Christophe Garnier

Vin de France Blanc "Les Justices"

Jean-Christophe Garnier

Vin de France Rouge "Les Nouettes"

Jean-Christophe Garnier

Vin de France Rouge "Gamay-Aunis"

Jean-Christophe Garnier

Vin de France Rouge "Les Tailles"