Two Hands and a Mule: Vinyer de la Ruca in Banyuls

Vinyer de la Ruca Profile

Quick Facts

Name of Estate Vinyer de la Ruca
Region Roussillon
Country France
Proprietor Manuel di Vecchi Staraz
Size 5.5 hectares
Farming Organic
Soils Schist
Grapes grown Grenache, Mourvèdre, Carignan
Fun facts No mechanization or modern tools are used in the vineyards or cellar. Everything is done by hand. To eschew industrial glass, all the bottles are blown by a local artisan.

No mechanization or modern tools are used in the vineyards or cellar. Everything is done by hand. To eschew industrial glass, all the bottles are blown by a local artisan.

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Quick Facts

Name of Estate Vinyer de la Ruca
Region Roussillon
Country France
Proprietor Manuel di Vecchi Staraz
Size 5.5 hectares
Farming Organic
Soils Schist
Grapes grown Grenache, Mourvèdre, Carignan
Fun facts No mechanization or modern tools are used in the vineyards or cellar. Everything is done by hand. To eschew industrial glass, all the bottles are blown by a local artisan.

Get to know
Vinyer de la Ruca

producer profile 04.12.2019

Vinyer de la Ruca Producer Profile

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producer visit 31.12.2019

This visit at Vinyer de la Ruca took place in June, 2019. 

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Vinyer de la Ruca’s wines

Vinyer de la Ruca

VDF Blanc "Hapax Copie Conforme"

Vinyer de la Ruca

VDF Rouge "Silvano"

Vinyer de la Ruca

VDF Rouge "Ellittico"

Vinyer de la Ruca

VDF Rouge "Elio"

Vinyer de la Ruca

VDF Rouge "Ullamp"